Aim: To identify co-morbid
disorders of problem gamblers and their use of GPs.
Method: Data from 50 diagnosed pathological
gamblers seeking help from a specialist gambling clinic were analysed
for degrees of depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse, and reasons for
presentation to their GPs during the 12 month period prior
to first attending the gambling clinic.
Results: Elevated depression (22 per cent
severe), anxiety, alcohol use (24 per cent hazardous,
32 per cent probably dependent) was found. Only
one gambler had disclosed a gambling problem to his GP. Of
the 28 pathological gamblers who presented to a GP in the preceding
12 months, 25 per cent presented for anxiety related
reasons, 18 per cent for depression, and others for stress
problems possibly associated with their gambling. Problem
gamblers' presentations to their GP exceeded general population presentations
for anxiety and depression related reasons.
Conclusion: GPs may be providing
treatment for symptoms of a presenting disorder without awareness
of the underlying gambling problem. GPs could screen and intervene
for problem gambling.
- Problem gamblers may present to their GPs for depression and anxiety disorders rather than the underlying gambling problem
- GPs can be a suitable first intervention point for problem gamblers
- Alcohol abuse is common amongst problem gamblers
- The estimated problem gambling prevalence of 3 per cent may be increasing with increased gambling opportunities
Pathological gambling is a progressive disorder that develops from occasional
lapses in control of time or money spent, to a pathology that results
in destructive behaviour that affects both the gambler and his or her
family, and is generally accompanied by alcohol abuse, anxiety, mood and
personality disorders (1,2,3).
The current prevalence of pathological gambling is generally estimated
at between 1 per cent and 3 per cent of the adult
population, while a nation-wide New Zealand study previously estimated
the prevalence at 1.2 per cent with a further 2.1 per cent
exhibiting some problem gambling behaviour (1,4,5).
However the incidence of this disorder may be increasing as a result
of the worldwide trend of growth in the gambling industry (5) and may be more rapidly acquired than most other addictions (6).
Data was collected from the assessment of 50 problem gamblers self-presenting
for the first time to the Problem Gambling Foundation (formerly the Compulsive
Gambling Society of New Zealand Inc, 'CGS'), a specialist voluntary treatment
provider for problem gambling, at their day treatment clinic in Auckland.
From a random date in the latter part of 1995, all presenting gamblers
thereafter contributed data until a total of 50 sets was reached.
The gamblers provided relevant information (demographics, health) and
completed the clinic's usual screens for gambling problem severity,
depression, anxiety, and alcohol abuse followed by an assessment session
with a psychologist or an addiction therapist.
Screening Tests
The following screens were used:
- The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) (7)
- The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) (7)
- Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI): A shortened version of the STAI was employed to meet time restraints (9)
- The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) (10)
Additional information obtained included whether the gambler had attended
their doctor in the previous 12 month period and the general purpose
of the visit/s. Rate of presentation and reason for attending their
GP were compared with similar data from a large New Zealand survey (11).
Previous research has indicated that problem gamblers are careless of
their health needs and are unlikely to volunteer problems around gambling,
either because of a failure to associate the behaviour with their health,
or because of feelings of shame or guilt (12,13).
Males appear to be at greater risk for gambling pathology at the ratio
of four to one (1,4) and the gender proportion of subjects chosen during
the randomly selected period appeared to support this contention.
Table 1: Alcohol, depression and
anxiety screen results of diagnosed pathological gamblers attending an
outpatient gambling treatment clinic (n=50) compared with pathological
gamblers identified in a New Zealand general population study (Abbott
& Volberg, 1992)
Screen |
(n=9) |
(n=41) |
(n=50) |
Male and female pathological gamblers in the Abbott/Volberg
study (1992) n=21 |
Alcohol: Audit |
controlled |
33% (3) |
46% (19) |
44% (22) |
38% (8) |
hazardous |
33% (3) |
22% (9) |
24% (12) |
62% (13) (hazardous or dependent) |
dependent |
33% (3) |
32% (13) |
32% (16) |
Depression: Beck |
nil |
0% (0) |
5% (2) |
4% (2) |
57% (12) |
mild |
33% (3) |
15% (6) |
18% (9) |
33% (7) |
moderate |
44% (4) |
44% (18) |
44% (22) |
10% (2) (moderate or severe) |
severe |
22% (2) |
22% (9) |
22% (11) |
Anxiety: STAI |
state |
44% (4) |
44% (18) |
44% (22) |
na |
(>89th percentile) trait |
44% (4) |
51% (21) |
50% (25) |
na |
Nine female (18 per cent) and forty one male (82 per cent)
problem gambles completed the screens and assessments, with the average
age for each being similar (female 31.8 years, male 32.8 years).
All 50 presenting gamblers were assessed by trained clinicians as meeting
the DSMIV criteria for pathological gambling. (1) All female
gamblers disclosed a problem with video gambling machines, while males
disclosed more variation with 56.1 per cent having similar problems
with video gambling machines, 31.7 per cent with horse gambling,
9.8 per cent with both gambling machines and horses, and one
with instant scratch tickets. Gamblers were generally specific in
their gambling preference.
Ninety six per cent of the gamblers regularly purchased Lotto (state
lottery tickets) compared with the general population where 32 per cent
purchase tickets weekly, and 60 per cent at least monthly (14).
Screen results for alcohol use, depression and anxiety were categorised
as to severity for male and female gamblers, and compared with an earlier
epidemiological study of the general population (13) (Table 1).
Alcohol usage was high, and in 32 per cent of the gamblers
(32 per cent males, 33 per cent females) met the criteria
in the Audit screen for probable alcohol dependence, with a further 24 per cent
meeting the criteria for hazardous alcohol consumption. This use
of alcohol by pathological gamblers supported the findings of the earlier
general population study13, with no difference found between pathological
gamblers' alcohol use in this and the previous study (X21=.21, p=.65).
Some gamblers (n=5) recording low scores disclosed in the subsequent
counselling session that they had previously had problems with alcohol
and had ceased drinking after attending Alcoholics Anonymous or treatment
programmes. However this inquiry was not pursued for all respondents
with low Audit scores.
Beck depression scores averaged 12.4 for males and 11.6 for females (moderate
range 8 to 15), with 22 per cent of both male and female gamblers
meeting the screen level of severe depression. Depression screen
scores were significantly higher for the clinic subjects (X22=34.7, p<.0001)
when compared with those pathological gamblers identified in the earlier
general population study (13).
Anxiety scores (STAI) were high, with 51 per cent of males
and 44 per cent of females scoring in the 90th percentile or
above of the most anxious members of society (trait anxiety), with current
exhibited (state) anxiety high at the time of presentation (44 per cent
of both male and female gamblers scored in the 90th or above percentile).
The very high trait anxiety scores were supported in subsequent assessment
sessions. Reports of panic attacks (with or without agoraphobia)
were common. Inability to concentrate, intolerance of boredom, and
polarised emotions were disclosed, with suppressed anger and fear the
most common emotion reported. Heavy smoking behaviour was the norm
amongst most gamblers.
Suicidal ideation was high, with 56 per cent of females and
60 per cent of males reporting having at least considered suicide
as a solution to their gambling problems, and 10 per cent of
males and 11 per cent of females reporting having attempted
suicide stating gambling problems as the reason. Suicidal ideation
was seldom disclosed voluntarily, and a screen question asking for details
around such thoughts was followed by further questions during the assessment.
Those with high anxiety and/or depression were encouraged to present
to their GP for advice regarding medication and eight of 20 reporting
Attitudes commonly expressed regarding reluctance to consider medication
for anxiety and depression were discussed and gamblers were asked to consider
medication as a temporary tool that would accompany counselling, and that
might expedite recovery. Fear of becoming reliant on medication,
of being perceived as 'mentally ill', and of side effects of medication
were all addressed during this assessment session, and were re-addressed
in subsequent sessions if the gambler had not presented and still appeared
to be suffering from stress or depression.
Pathological gamblers reported attending their GPs within the previous
12 months at a lower rate that the general population (56 per cent
vs 79 per cent15), but presenting problems rated high in stress
and depression when compared with the WaiMedCa study11 (Table 2).
One gambler disclosed a gambling problem to his GP, seven reported presenting
for anxiety, stress or nervousness, while five reported attending for
Other presenting problems included headaches/tiredness, feeling run down,
skin rashes, asthma and migraine.
Table 2: A comparison of self reported
presenting disorders of problem gamblers to their GPs during the 12 months
prior to seeking assistance at a specialist gambling clinic, and rates
of GP identified disorders of patient/GP encounters in a general patient
study (WaiMedCa11)
Patient described presenting disorder |
Number (%) of self•reported symptoms
(n=43) *presented to their GPs by problem gamblers (n=28, 6 female,
22 male) data missing = 2 |
WaiMedCa: patient/GP encounters n=11,888
(% of all problems) |
anxiety/stress/nervousness/fear |
7 (25%) (1 for gambling stress) |
0.6% (anxiety) |
headaches |
2 (7%) |
** |
migraines |
1 (3.5%) |
0.5% |
depression |
5(18%) |
0.9% |
run down/tiredness |
2 (7%) |
** |
boils |
1 (3.5%) |
0.8% |
stomach complaint |
1 (3.5%) |
** |
skin disorder |
1 (3.5%) |
2% (eczema)
1% (dermatophytosis) |
psychological problem |
1 (3.5%) |
** |
high blood pressure |
1 (3.5%) |
4.2% |
high cholesterol |
1 (3.5%) |
** |
alcohol problems |
1 (3.5%) |
** |
cold/influenza |
5 (18%) |
0.7% (influenza) |
asthma |
1 (3.5%) |
**< |
leg infection |
1 (3.5%) |
** |
gout |
1 (3.5%) |
0.6% |
eye infection |
1 (3.5%) |
** |
liver problem |
1 (3.5%) |
** |
back problems |
2 (7%) |
0.7% |
breast cancer |
1 (3.5%) |
** |
not well |
1 (3.5%) |
** |
sports injury/injury/pulled muscle |
3 (11%) |
2% |
a medical assessment |
7 (7%) |
** |
* number of surgery presentations ranged
from 1 to 25
** no similar category
The majority of the pathological gamblers sampled exhibited alcohol abuse
or dependence, high levels of anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation.
Alcohol Abuse
The rate of alcohol abuse in the clinic sample was high, but regarded
by gamblers as unrelated and inconsequential compared with their gambling.
The perception seemed to be that such concern was effectively 'labelling'
them with an additional problem, a further insult to their self-esteem,
and that alcohol abuse or dependence was a 'lesser' disorder for which
they had not presented. It was uncommon for those who scored as
hazardous or possibly dependent drinkers to consume alcohol in quantity
during gambling sessions (often stating it dulled the effect, or interfered
with the concentration required), but instead they tended to resort to
alcohol after such sessions. When referral for alcohol use counselling
was covertly or overtly resisted over time, information and alcohol counselling
was introduced into sessions.
The high levels of anxiety indicated by the screen in almost half of the
pathological gamblers was often not apparent until a history was taken
prompted by screen results. Anxiety may have contributed to a reluctance
to disclose a gambling problem to their doctor. Only one gambler
in the study had advised his doctor, and reluctance to seek help for gambling
problems has been previously reported. (13)
Severe depression scores were evident in almost one in four problem gamblers
with a further one in two meeting the screen criteria for moderate depression.
Gamblers' negative perceptions may reduce motivation to change their gambling
behaviour. Indeed, the perception by some treatment providers is
that the escape from stress provided by gambling for pathological gamblers
is a form of self medication to counter depression and anxiety that may
involve adrenergic and endorphin processes. (16) This hypothesis
might apply whether or not the depression existed prior to the problem
gambling behaviour, or developed as a consequence of their losses and
isolation resulting from gambling. Relief for those who are depressed
and participate in gambling may be due to short term escape from dysphoric
moods. The brief relief from depression caused by the longer term
effects of the very same behaviour may indicate the complexity of the
disorder, and contribute towards an explanation of the apparent contradictory
behaviour of contribution of gambling despite increasing losses and accompanying
social and emotional costs. Such relief, if the hypothesis were
to be supported, would indicate a powerful and immediate change in mood
when gambling, in order to reinforce behaviour that would be followed
by negative consequences as losses (or reinvested 'wins') resulted.
Some gamblers indicated a history of depression prior to problematic
gambling, although most indicated that feelings of depression followed
their gambling. However, whether depression preceded the gamblers'
problem gambling behaviour, or was a reaction to it, cannot be determined
accurately from retrospective self-reports. Longitudinal studies
are required to clarify this important issue.
Clinic gamblers were significantly more depressed than pathological gamblers
identified in a general population study (13), perhaps suggesting
that pathological gamblers are reluctant to seek help until co-morbid
disorders are relatively severe.
Notwithstanding, the immediate relief from dysphoria provided by gambling
(albeit temporary) appears to be a far more powerful behavioural determinant
than the negative consequences experienced later in time, as is suggested
by theories of reinforcement. (17)
Suicidal ideation and behaviour
The level of attempted suicide was more than 30 times the level found
in the general New Zealand population. (18) A recent
study of suicidal ideation in pathological gamblers found similar results
(74 per cent suicidal ideation, 10 per cent had attempted suicide)
to those in this study. (3)
Many of the gamblers had presented to their GPs with symptoms of anxiety
and/or depression during the 12 months prior to attending the gambling
treatment clinic; however, as stated, only one gambler had disclosed
a gambling problem to his GP. Either the gamblers were uncomfortable
in disclosing such problems, or they had difficulty perceiving that their
health could be affected by their gambling behaviour. As discussed,
the behavioural determinant, the expectation of winning, may have been
replaced through experience with a need to escape from external problems
(creditors, family criticism) and internal cognitions (guilt, shame, loneliness),
together with undetermined biochemical effects.
If this were so, problem gamblers who gave up gambling would be denying
themselves the control over relief from stress, however transitory.
The need for GPs to understand the possibility of this apparent conflict
underpinning the problem gamblers' behaviour in the face of continued
losses, in monetary, as well as emotional and environmental terms, is
important in effecting a successful intervention.
The results of screens must be treated with caution as they are by nature
likely to identify false positive cases of the screen disorder (4).
However this was reduced by the subsequent clinical assessment where additional
information supported high screen results in anxiety or depression, although
gamblers tended to defend against the findings of the alcohol screen,
especially when indicating alcohol dependence. The relatively small
number of subjects (9 female, 41 males) may affect the generalisation
of the findings which may be restricted to a subgroup of people with this
disorder. In light of previous information that problem gamblers
are unlikely to seek help (4,5,12,) it may well be the case that
the subjects of this study were experiencing higher dysphoria (from gambling
and co-morbid disorders) which compelled them to seek help for their
gambling behaviour.
The self-reported reasons for presenting to their GPs were open to errors
of recollection, are somewhat vague in description, and future studies
would benefit from direct comparison with GP records.
The relatively small numbers of patients participating in the study mitigate
against too much weight being placed upon findings; however strong
trends can provide some support for further inquiry by GPs during consultations.
The findings are indicative of high levels of anxiety and symptoms of
depression, significantly above those recorded for pathological gamblers
in the New Zealand nationwide study (13). The effectiveness of
this dysphoria as an indicator of possible pathological gambling may vary
in health settings: in London and elsewhere, around 15 per
cent of GP consultations diagnose mental disorders such as depression
or anxiety (19) compared with those of the WaiMedCa study where 3.8 per
cent of patients presented for psychological reasons or counselling, and
4.4 per cent were diagnosed with psychological disorders (11).
However, that 25 per cent of gamblers in this study presented to
their GP for anxiety distress, and a further 18 per cent for depression
appears to considerably exceed even the presentation rate in London, and
might provide an indicator of an underlying gambling problem.
Other research has indicated self-reported health problems of gamblers,
with depression and alcohol abuse especially a problem. (2,4,12)
The degree of anxiety in many problem gamblers has not been highlighted
before, yet may be a critical factor in effective treatment of the disorder.
The Abbott/Volberg13 study supports the high correlation between pathological
gambling and alcohol abuse and to some extent depression, as well as psychological
disturbance more generally.
Overall, relatively little research has been done in the field of co-morbidity,
and the present study supports and expands upon the categories of health
problems that may be common amongst those gamblers who are suffering from
an advanced gambling pathology.
This study and others suggest that further inquiry regarding the patients'
gambling behaviour may be appropriate when patients present with symptoms
of depression, anxiety and alcohol abuse or stress related disorders.
The intervention may require considerable empathy and tact, together with
some knowledge concerning the process of gambling pathology, in order
to gain a patient's confidence and their disclosure.
Doctors provide unique opportunities to intervene early in the development
of this disorder and may offer a gateway for the problem gambler to access
help during brief 'windows of opportunity'.
The confidential nature of a GP's intervention, the ability for a gambler
to externalise the disorder as an illness and so lower defences, and availability
of medical support for co-morbid anxiety and depressive symptoms, all
contribute to an environment whereby problem gamblers could address their
problem at an early stage.
GPs can lead the way with awareness of problem gambling in their patient
population, proactive inquiry, and through the learning of brief intervention
skills, in what appears to be a growing incidence of a progressive and
potentially life-threatening disorder.
We thank the Problem Gambling Foundation for its participation in this
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