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Computer Gaming Test

The following questions will assist you to understand if playing computer games – either locally or online (over the internet) – is starting to cause you problems and even harm.

This test will apply whether or not you are playing the game on your own, or playing against other players, or playing with others in a team.

Please tick the checkbox if you answer YES to any of the following questions:

1. Has playing the internet game become one of the main things you think about during each day?
2. When you are unable to play the game, do you notice it causes you to be irritable, anxious or sad?
3. Have you noticed that it has felt necessary to increase the time you spend in each internet gaming session or how often you play?
4. Have you unsuccessfully tried to control or reduce the time you have spent internet gaming?
5. Have you lost interest in hobbies, entertainment or sport that in the past you enjoyed, as a result of your internet gaming?
6. Have you been aware of problems (such as with the way you feel, or with your relationships with others) resulting from the amount of internet gaming played, but still not cut back on the gaming?
7. Have you avoided telling the truth to family, therapists, or others about the amount of time you spend internet gaming?
8. Do you find that when you are feeling guilty, anxious, helpless, or want to avoid thinking about something, that internet gaming helps relieve those thoughts or feelings?
9. Has the internet gaming caused you to lose or put at risk important relationships, study, or a job or a chance of a career?